Monday, April 7, 2014

Identity: Belonging

"Guidelines" by Lisa Suhair Majaj

If they ask you what you are,
say Arab. If they flinch, don't react,
just remember your great-aunt's eyes.

If they ask you where you come from,
say Toledo. Detroit. Mission Viejo.
Fall Springs. Topeka. If they seem confused,

help them locate these places on a map,
then inquire casually, Where are you from?
Have you been here long? Do you like this country?

If they ask you what you eat,
don't dissemble. If garlic is your secret friend,
admit it. Likewise, crab cakes.

If they say you're not American,
don't pull out your personal,
wallet-sized flag. Instead, recall

the Bill of Rights. Mention the Constitution.
Wear democracy like a favorite garment:
comfortable, intimate.

If they wave newspapers in your face and shout,
stay calm. Remember everything they never learned.
Offer to take them to the library.

If they ask you if you're white, say it depends.
Say no. Say maybe. If appropriate, inquire,
Have you always been white, or is it recent?

If you take to the streets in protest,
link hands with whomever is beside you. 
Keep your eyes on the colonizer's maps, 

geography's twisted strands, the many colors
of struggle. No matter how far you've come, remember:
the starting line is always closer than you think.

If they ask how long you plan to stay, say forever.
Console them if they seem upset. Say, don't worry,
you'll get used to it. Say, we live here. How about you?

Read the above poem written by Lisa Suhair Majaj.  After reading the poem, write a 5 - 7 sentence paragraph in which you explain 1) the tone, 2) the theme, and 3) what the poem could be saying about the American identity.  YOU MUST INCLUDE SOME TYPE OF EVIDENCE FROM THE POEM IN YOUR RESPONSE.


  1. Sample Response:

    Lisa Suhair Majaj's "Guideline" has a friendly and open-hearted tone. In her poem she speaks about identity and belonging. The poem mainly consists of a series of questions asked and comments given. "If they ask you what you are,/say Arab...If they ask you what you eat,/don't dissemble. If garlic is your secret friend,/admit it..." The questions in the poem could be considered confrontational but the responses are polite and non-confrontational. Whenever someone is approached by a stranger and asked questions that are personal in nature, they often feel badgered or uncomfortable. However, in her poem, Suhair Majaj teaches the reader that they can meet opposition with grace and dignity (THEME). With our constantly changing American identity, this is a lesson worth learning and putting into practice. We do not always understand each other because we come from different backgrounds and walks of life which often leaves us sheltered and guarded. If we learn to respond like Lisa Suhair Majaj, we might learn to embrace our differences and accept those who are not like us in this ever-changing and evolving place we call the United States of America.

  2. Lisa Suhair Majaj's "Guideline" has a open-minded and accepting tone. In her poem she says that console them if they seem upset. Say, don't worry,/link hands with whomever is beside you," The poem can be speaking of that we as people that are living in a place that all type of people different people come in one place to go and seek the same thing she saying " recall the Bill of Rights" we all are the same in one or more ways then one. Then why only we see the differences in one other. Why can we see the things we have in conmen.(THEME) With the world changing everyday, the lesson that Lisa Suhair Majaj is telling is that we can be united and be at peace with one other. We not have to see all the time what is differences between are self and other person. Lets find the same thing that we have with each other. the American way was change so much lets make the change be a change to better understand each other radar then separate each other.

  3. Gudeline by Lisa Suhair has a blunt and off the shoulder tone. In the poem suhair gives the reader a feeling of identity, by letting the reader know one's way of life , is one's choice and should not be manipulated by popular opinion. The poem inquires questions that seem to be explicit yet, a socialable answer is given. "If they ask what you are, say Arab. If they don't react, just remember your great - aunts eyes. One would normally dispute or protest such a reaction thou , a subtle answer is recieved. The theme of "Gudelines" is never fear, timid or ashamed to be one's self . This is expressed by the answers are simply replied to even though the questions are personal. The poem shows how many might disagree or refuse to go with deference objectives, America always seems to do what it believes is right and always stand behind their identity

  4. The tone of this poem is bewildered because it says that "don't pull out your personal, wallet- sized flag instead, recall." So that mean you shouldn't show off what you have. Another tone can be instructive because you should go with your instinct and not what other people say. The theme of this poem is that their always asking questions about which race you are and how you feel about it. The American Identity is whether how your culture is, how you act, how you react, and that's some thing different from all of us that are human.

  5. Lisa Suhair Majaj's "Guideline" has a friendly and sarcastic tone. The poem consists of many different questions with a tone of sarcasm. For example, "If they ask you if you're white, say it depends. Say no. Say maybe." The author may be sarcastic, but she's also friendly because she later says, "If you take to the streets in protest, link hands with whomever is beside you." The theme of this poem could be that everyone is different, and people should learn to embrace their differences. The American Identity will continue to change, but Lisa helps the reader realize that if we learn to accept each other's identity and background the United States would be a better place.

  6. The tone of the story is a white person asks questions to another person who doesn't look like he's American. In the poem it states " Who are you and he replies back im Arab but im from Toledo. Detroit Mission Veijo". The White American was confused. This shows that United States is very diverse and just because someone doesn't look like there from here does not mean that they are from another country.

  7. The general attitude, or tone, of Guidelines is a mixture of many properties, the most prominent of which being congeniality and good-naturedness with a minor hint of contrarian irony. The poem is very candid and stark in the goal that it's trying to accomplish, that goal being to convince the reader to be more accepting of who they are as it relates to their own American identity. This idea itself is referenced many times in several instances of the poem, such as "If they ask you what you eat, don't dissemble. If garlic is your secret friend, admit it. Likewise, crab cakes.". Moments like these are where the poem's aforementioned contrarian wit comes into play, where Majaj frequently douses away expected responses to certain questions and queries by answering them in a completely straight-forward way that comes off as slightly smart-aleck. This side of the poem assists extremely in helping convince the reader to not be apprehensive of accepting who they are as a human being, and subsequently their American identity. This ultimately feeds into the poem's theme, not being timid or fearful of accepting who you really are and being readily able to admit that to others who may question or judge you based on typecast labels and predictable backgrounds. If implications are to be believed, then the place we call America could and would be a better place if more people were able to follow that kind of mentality. Overall, the poem relates more to what is on the inside of an individual rather than what's on the surface level.

  8. Lisa Suhair Majaj's "Guidelines" has a sarcastic tone. As it states in the poem "If they ask if you're white, say it depends. Say no. Say maybe... There the author is using sarcasm. The theme is, everyone is different and should all learn how to build up on not being scared or nervous to show their difference. You may get judged but who cares. The American Identity will change as within others identity knowing the background and America will become an better place.

  9. Lisa Suhair Majaj's "Guideline" has a sarcastic and open-minded tone. For example, in line 10-11, she starts off being open-minded when she said " If they ask you what you eat, don't dissemble, then in line 22-24,she starts being sarcastic, when she said "If they ask you if you're white, say it depends, say no, or say maybe." In Lisa theme, she refers to everybody being different, because in the U.S. everything is going to be very diverse,and not everyone going to agree on the same type of thing.

  10. Lisa Suhair Majaj's poem "Guidelines" has a courageous tone. She speaks about having a sense of belonging with mankind. She encourages people to not be afraid of discrimination and be who they are. This can be seen when it says, "If they ask you what you are, say Arab. If they flinch, don't react. ../If they ask you what you eat, don't dissemble." This proves that people shouldn't be ashamed of themselves and should stand up for themselves. People should be able to be courageous and follow their own beliefs.

  11. Tone in the passage is Lisa is a young white girl who is very friendly, many tones in the passage that shows that Lisa was a very unique white girl. For example "If they ask of your a white girl say, say it depends." Sarcasim was indeed going on in the passage.The other white American was confused on whats been stated an showed. So there was/were alot of Diversity that was been taken place. The Diversity was just somebody doesnt look like there one of your kind doesnt mean they should be judge or be questioned, just let them be. Maybe the person looks diffrent but they're from the same enviorment.

  12. Lisa Suhair Majaj's "Guideline" has an earnest and objective tone. In her poem she speaks about her identity and pride. She is proud of who she is and where she came from. For example, "If they seem confused,help them locate these places on a map." She has no problem with being honest and blunt instead of resentful and renouncing. When people come up to Suhair and confront her about who she is instead of feeling offended like a normal person would she calmly and respectfully replies back. The theme of "Guidelines" is to be yourself and don't let anyone's comments or remarks affect who you are. This is expressed by her being honest when asked questions and her replying sincerely. The American Identity is shaped by ones own beliefs and understanding; we believe what we are told and see other peoples ways of doing things as wrong.

  13. Lisa Suhair Majaj’s poem “Guideline” has an accepting tone. In her poem she talks about belonging in some part of society. She is trying to say that we are all the same in this American Identity. “If they ask where you come from,/ if they ask what you eat.” The poem says that we all came here to achieve our American Identity and that people shouldn’t be ashamed to say their life details. It also tells us that we should all be at peace with each other, “link hands with whomever is beside you.” People should always stand up for their identity.

  14. the tone of the story is that a white people ask to a person that is not white if hes american.the poem says"if they ask you if you're white,say it depends. say no, say maybe, if appropriate, inquire. have you always been white, or is it racent." This show that the white person was confused or he was yust racist, because if someone don't look white it doesn't been hes not from america.

  15. "Guidelines" by Lisa Suhair Majaj has a progressive tone. Majaj describes situations in where ethnic situations can be looked in a positive way. The poem is built by stating situations that seem rather awkward and distressing, are solved by thinking positive as in, "If they say you're not American, don't pull out your personal,wallet-sized flag. Instead, recall the Bill of Rights. Mention the Constitution. Wear democracy like a favorite garment:comfortable, intimate." The poem relates on many different kind of races that come to the Unites States in search for the American Dream, but come across different discriminatory situations were it seems hopeless to belong. Majaj inquires how situations like these can be less hurtful to people, if they are willing to communicate and open themselves up to the changes around them.

  16. In the poem " Guidelines" the tone would be sorta questionary & also demanding. In the poem it asks the American to answer specificly to certain questions. The tone would be introducing a immigrant to the United States life, being criticized & having to respond in specific ways to questions without people knowing your not from around. This relates to the American Dream by showing people the daily life a immigrant in the United States would maybe have to go threw or thinking about how to answer questions being asked.

  17. Lisa Suhair Majaj's "Guideline" has an accepting and sarcastic tone. The poem consists of many different questions signaling sarcasm. For example, "If they ask you if you're white, say it depends. Say no. Say maybe." The author is showing sarcasm in that question, but she also shows an accepting tone when she later on say, "If they ask how long you plan to stay, say forever." which shows acceptance. The theme of this poem is that everyone is different and we should learn to accept one anothers differences. The American Identity will continue to change throughout the years.

  18. "Guidelines" by Lisa Suhair Majaj is about taking pride in what you are, where you're from, and what you like, because all that will not change the fact that you are an American. What really matters is what you consider yourself to be. If you say you're an American and they disagree then stand up for yourself and by "recalling the Bill of Rights", also know as your rights. Be confident in what you are and not in what society labels you to be simply because of your different background. The tone throughout the poem is sanguine because she is being optimistic about the difficult situations someone of a different culture may be put in.

  19. In Lisa Suhair Majaj's "Guidelines", she has a tone that is assertive and reassuring. The poem talks of race,and freedom. That every American citizen have the same rights. Regardless of skin tone, origin or culture. Lisa tells the reader to be open and honest about yourself. In order to help others understand everyone around them are unique and important. Showing that American's Identity is an assortment of characters. In the poem it states, "If they ask you how long you plan to stay, say forever. Console them..... How about you?". The sooner people accept diversity. the sooner American can continue to grow.

  20. "Guidelines" by Lisa Suhair Majaj has a tone of open mindedness and sarcasm. For example, "If they ask you of you're white, say it depends. Say no. Say maybe." The theme in this is the identity of the United States is constantly changing and expanding. just because a person is different, doesn't make them a bad person. To be different is to be unique. What the poem is saying about the american identity it that, despite coming from many different places around the world, we all call "The Melting Pot" that is America our home. Instead of fearing someone different than us, we should accept and embrace them.

  21. "Guidelines" by Lisa Suhair Majaj is showing how lots of people go up to different people that they never been around with and ask questions. People can judge you by looks but when it comes down by asking questions is amazing how their opinion is different than what they thought about you before talking to you. When they ask you where you from and get confuse tell them and be proud of it. Like in the poem says "If they ask you where you come from,say Toledo. Detroit. Mission Viejo.Fall Springs. Topeka. If they seem confused, help them locate these places on a mapthen inquire casually." Lisa was proud saying where she`s from than just changing the question. Not a lot of people would be proud of where they come from only because they come from a different states or cities. If they tell you what you eat tell them the truth and if you say a food that they never heard or ate tell them that they should try it and they will like it. Admit things that you will be proud of and if they make fun of you don`t feel bad know that you said everything to show off who you really are. Like in a quote that say "Never judge a book by its cover." Thats true learn more about a person before saying stuff about that person you don`t know.

  22. The tone of this story is very helpful and and informale. The reasons for that is cause it states that " if the wave news papers in your face and shout stay calm. Remember every thing they never learned offer to take them to the library." An the theme is to notify some one if they ask a question and be truthful. They are stating that the American identity is not what you know its who you are the way you look at your way. Don't with hold your information be informal if needed.

  23. In Lisa Suhair Majaj "Guideline" has a friendly tone. the poem consist of different question. Just like if someone ask if you are white some may reponse depends. However the author may be sarcasti, but she friendly about it at most because she says" If you take to the street in protest, link hand with whomever is beside you" In fact this give a idea that everyone should join together no matter what race,color or such small details.

  24. In Lisa Suhair Majaja's poem "Guideline", the tone is optimistic but sarcastic at the same time. The series of questions such as "If they say you're not American, don't pull out your personal, wallet-sized flag.. Instead, recall the Bill Of Rights... If they ask how long are you going to stay, say forever", are all answered sarcastically. The author tended to give sarcastic but friendly answers because other people who perceive you differently than what you do,may not understand so instead of feeling affended about questions they ask, answer them in an elegantly manner. The all around theme of the poem could be that everyone has different identities and instead of trying to belong in a certain place, embrace the person we are and our differences. Especially in a place like America where it is very diverse, people should practice and learn to accept those who are different from them, because the American Identity changes all the time and we do not all have the same identities.

  25. Lisa Suhair Majaj's "Guideline" has a calm and accepting tone. She gives several examples on how people instantly judge others based on appearances and interest. "If they wave newspapers...stay calm"/"say don't worry...we live here...". This may mean that no matter how different others see you remain calm. It may also mean that since we see differences in people we should accept one another. Since the American Identity is changing, we're becoming more and more diverse and changes will occur and we should accept this change.

  26. Lisa Suhair Majaja's "Guideline" has a friendly, courageous tone. The theme of the poem is to never be ashamed of who you are, and or where you come from. What Lisa is saying is that the American dream is that us the people don't understand the backgrounds of other cultures and race and we discriminate based on what we see or hear. Basically, Lisa is saying to show people who you are, and not what they think of you. "If they ask you what you eat, don't dissemble if garlic is your secret friend/ admit it..." this shows that Lisa advises to practice your believes and don't try to be something you are not.

  27. Lisa Suhair Majaj's "Guideline" has a sarcastic and open-minded. The theme of this poem for is that we aren't always going to find people the same as us, There's different people all around the world that come from different places. For example if your African and you move to the United states people are going to look at you different because of the way you talk and look. But sometimes people ask questions without thinking or judge people l without knowing them but like the quote says "Don't judge a book by it's cover". That for me means get to know the person first and then judge them. For me I like to meet people that come from other places people that have different religion and different ways of seeing life I like different people and I don't think you should ever judge someone without knowing them.

  28. The tone in Lisa Suhair's poem is encouraging and sarcastic, she encourages the reader to be confident of where they are from but uses sarcasm within her encouragement. In the poem she states, "If they say you're not American, don't pull out your personal, wallet-sized flag" this means that you don't have to lie and try to prove you are something you're not. In that same example she is being sarcastic because people are not actually going to carry a wallet-sized flag to proof their place of birth. The theme in the poem is to be yourself, throughout the poem she gives many examples of situations that you should handle confidently and not be ashamed of. In the poem it shows that everyone in America is not the same people have differences, but everyone in America have the same purpose which is to be successful.

  29. Lisa August writes the poem,"Guidelines" with a brave and accepting tone.She starts by saying,"If they flinch,don't react." She lets the reader know that people who are "from" this country can treat foreigners different.Do not react just prove your point,which she later says,"recall the bill of rights/wear democracy like a favorite garment: comfortable, intimate." There is no reason why someone who loves this country ad much as any other American citizen should be treated different. The point of Lisa Suhair Majajs poem is that just because your from a different place,dosent mean you should get different treatment from other Americans. We should all come together as d one because we're here as one,live as one, and share this country as one.

  30. The tone of "Gudeline" by Lisa Suhair Majaj has a strong emotion and friendly. "No matter how far you've come, remember: the starting line is always closer than you think. (THEME) even though people ask about you just answer them, but don't tell them your personal secret. American Identity is that a lesson for us as American citizens we should welcome every race, different people, and accept who they are. Don't judge who they are, how they look, and where they come from. Don't make fun of they because they have feeling just like us. believe that we all have equal right and we are human being as well as Bill of Rights.

  31. Lisa Suhair Majaja's "Guideline", has an open-mined tone. People can judge you by looks, but can't back up their opinions. The theme of this open would be identity. Everything is changing and and growing that it gives people new labels. For example when it says, " If they say you're not American, don't pull out personal, wallet-sized flag." Not being American doesn't make you any different, because in the end, we're all humans.

  32. In the poem , the tine is very open minded but polite.It ask multiple questions and talks about having pride in your background and culture.It is as if they are trying to put a person down because their not "American" but its about pride.

  33. In Lisa Suhair Majaja's poem "Guideline", the tone is having pride on who you are. The poem asks a series of questions, the person answer the question. “If they ask how long you plan to stay, say forever. Console them if they seem upset. Say, don't worry, you'll get used to it.” The race does not matter because they living in the “American Dream”. Then the other people will join them and do not have to worry about where you’re from or what you are like.

  34. The tone of "Guidelines" by Lisa Suhair
    Majaj is respectful and honest of who you are as a person. Respectful because the person getting asked the questions was answering them in a polite and appropriate way, "If they ask you what you eat don't disassemble, if garlic is your secret friend, admit it." The poem also describes the American Identity and how America, from being inhabited to almost overpopulated, "Keep your eyes on the colonizer's maps, geography's twisted strands, the many colors of struggle. No matter how far you've come, remember: the starting line is always closer than you think."

  35. In the poem "Guidelines" the author creates a mocking and sarcastic tone when answering the questions. The theme of the poem is that people should be proud of who they are no matter their background. In the poem the author states, "If they ask how long you plan to stay, say forever... Say don't worry, you'll get used to it. Say we live here, How about you." Meaning that other people who has a problem her American Identity needs to get over it beacuse they have one thing in common, they live in America.

  36. Lisa Suhair Majaj's poem "Guidelines" has a respectful and loving tone. In this poem she speaks about different races, and she gives us a lesson of how to deal with strangers. America, known for its variety of races, tends to have many differences, therefore Lisa tries to tell us the best way to handle it. Being respectful.
    In the poem says "If they seem confused, help them locate these places on a map."
    The theme of "Guidelines" is that we look different but we are the same in one way or another.
    What the poem is trying to say about the "American Identity" is clearly to have empathy, to at least try to feel how other races feels, because after all we all live in the same place, reaching sort of the same goals, we all are trying to be happy, and we are humans with emotions, and my evidence is where it says "Console them if they seem upset. Say, don't worry, you'll get used to it. Say, we live here..."

  37. The tone of this poem is friendly and sarcastic. She answers questions with somewhat funny and sarcastic answers. For example, "If they say you're not American, don't pull out your personal wallet-sized flag.". She's of course, being sarcastic because who carries a flag in their wallet? The theme of the poem is to be proud of who you are and to not care what other people think, to not be ashamed.

  38. Louis Suhiar Majaj's "Guidelines" has an accepting tone. In her poem she speaks about patriotism and nationalism. "If they ask what you are, say Arab. If they don't react, just remember your great - aunts eyes." Usually if confronted like this by a complete stranger, one normally would not give a polite answer. The theme of this poem is patriotism; is such a nationalist mentality a positive thing or will it lead to complications? The American identity is always changing because of people who think like this. That may be the reason why one thinks differently and chooses to believe other people's beliefs.

  39. The poem has a independent tone. The theme is about being a American. The poem is saying that anyone can be a American. In the poem it talks about different races being American. It also talks about the similarities and differences of being a American.

  40. Lisa Suhair Majaj's "Guideline" has a calm and accepting tone. She gives several examples on how people instantly judge others about belonging in some part of society. When she mentioned, "If they ask you where you come from, say Toledo. Detroit. Mission Viejo. Fall Springs. Topeka. If they seem confused, help them locate these places on a map, then inquire casually, Where are you from? Have you been here long? Do you like this country?". What she means is that don't be afraid of who you are, if they say were you from show them. Don't just hide who you are and show them.

  41. In Lisa Suhair Mujaj's Poem, "Guideline", the tone of the poem is unaccepting. The tone of the story is unaccepting because in the poem lisa says,If they wave newspapers in your face and shout, stay calm. Remember everything they never learned. Offer to take them to the library." Which shows that people only label you for what they see in the media and not for who you really are , they see you with a label and think nothing more of you. The theme of the poem is , Dont label a person or prejudge them before knowing them. The poem could be saying about the "American Identity" that you should be yourself no matter what even if you have to go through tough times

  42. In the poem “Guidelines” Lisa Suhair has an encouraging sarcastic tone to whom ever she is speaking to, in stanza 5-6 she says“If they say you're not American, don't pull out your personal, wallet-sized flag. Instead, recall the Bill of Rights. Mention the Constitution. Wear democracy like a favorite garment: comfortable, intimate.” This shows that she is encouraging the reader to not be afraid of who they are, But to stand up for what they have become.This bring us to the theme of the poem. In the American society there are all types of races but we still all come together as one. In stanza 10 she says “If you take to the streets in protest, link hands with whomever is beside you.” In this poem a reader can get that “The American Identity” is choice to whomever it also can be reached by whomever as long as they have a that urge for it.

  43. In the "Guideline" of Lisa Suhair Majaj's has a confident and intelligent tone. As in the poem there is someone who aks her several questions and she answer with confidence and intelligence, she answer like if the questions doesn't have nothing offensive for her, that person is asking about her identity. For example in the poem she said "If they aks you if you're white, say it depends. Say no. Say maybe..." This quote shows that they try to be rude with her but she just answer with confidence and intelligence. (THEME) There will be always people who do not want to accept the reality of the the world. They always going to be ignorant and try to made other people worthless, but therw will be other who acts with confidence and intelligence.

  44. In the poem "Guidelines", written by Lisa Suhair Majaj, the tone feels very calm and lighthearted, almost as if the author doesn't to start a fight. An example of this is shown when Majaj says "If they ask how long you plan to stay, say forever. Console them if they seem upset. Say, don't worry, you'll get used to it. Say, we live here. How about you?" This shows the author doesn't want any confrontation but to create understanding between the two. The theme here is "Treat others how you'd wanna be treated." This feels like the theme mostly because the poem is just about someone who wants to be like us, American. Perhaps the author wrote this as a way to covey a sense of the need for a new american identity, considering how we are prejudice towards other races which reigns true even today. I suppose since we our on the opposing side, we don't see what they do, the errors of being judgemental, maybe we should change the american identity ourselves. Although, the fact that it took a poem from a victim of us to realize change is needed is quite sad in itself.

  45. Lisa Suhair Majaja's "Guideline" has a friendly but bold tone. The overall lesson she presents from this poem is whatever you are confronted with, be proud and bold with whatever your answer may be. She mainly writes this poem in the form of questions. She answers these questions in a certain way to show the reader that no matter how different we are we don't have to be ashamed of our identity. This is a good motto to use if you are talking in American identity because it is constantly changing every second of our lives, and we do not always respond i a positive way to change. However, if we learn to link our minds with the way Lisa Majaj thinks this American Identity that is evolving so rapidly will be looked upon as a positive impact.

  46. Lisa Shuair has a sarcastic tone on the poem , becouse it mainly consists of a series of question asked and comments given. Whenever they ask them anm a question like when they "ask you where you come from say toledo ,dentroit , mession..." The outher is showing sarcasm in that question. The theme is different and we should learn to accept one another.

  47. Lisa Suhair Mata j's "Guideline" has a appreciative and encouraging tone. It shows that you shouldn't be ashamed of who you are. Like it says "If they ask you what you eat, don't dissemble. If garlic is your secret friend, admit it. Like wise, crab cakes. It doesn't matter where you come from or what differences you have from others, you are who you are. Our world changes everyday. People don't experience the same things as others do. Thanks why we are so different.

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  51. People are natarul follows because they see everybody doing it nd they won't to do it like them. They want to how they do can go with the flo to.One private,which we are afraid to express and another one and one we use nd which we force.
