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In a well written paragraph, answer the following questions:
- What is more important the community or the individual? Why?
- Is order more important than freedom? If so, when is order more important than freedom? If not, why is freedom more important than order?
The Community because we all have to work together to have peace and also to help our community ,and we all need to work as one and the community is better in individual. I think order is more important because in order to have freedom we all have to have order.
ReplyDeleteThe community is made up of individuals but individuals are more important. Why do you think we vote? It is an individual right, right. Order is moreimportant than freedome because without no order there is no freedom. It teachers do not give order on what we should do in the classroom, there would be no students to give order to. Everyone would have the freedom to do whatever.
ReplyDeleteIt is important to meet an individual's needs or wants but when it is put against the community, the community would definitely win. To put a smile on an individual's face is a great feeling but to put a smile on the face of more than 1,000 people is a feeling that you can't even explain in words. For example when somebody runs for president they will try and gather the most votes possible, every individual counts, that is right but the more the better. Therefore, I am convinced that the community is far more important than the individual.
ReplyDeleteFreedom is something that I believe everyone should have. It is important in the lives of many but it does not make such an impact as order does. If the world did not have any order, it would be a disaster. There would not be anybody to put a stop to any negativity occurring all around us. Such chaotic events would probably occur at each and every moment . I would definitely not ever look forward to a day like this to come and I am positive that not a soul would look forward to a day like this as well.
It is important to meet an individual's needs or wants but when it is put against the community, the community would definitely win. To put a smile on an individual's face is a great feeling but to put a smile on the face of more than 1,000 people is a feeling that you can't even explain in words. For example when somebody runs for president they will try and gather the most votes possible, every individual counts, that is right but the more the better. Therefore, I am convinced that the community is far more important than the individual.
ReplyDeleteFreedom is something that I believe everyone should have. It is important in the lives of many but it does not make such an impact as order does. If the world did not have any order, it would be a disaster. There would not be anybody to put a stop to any negativity occurring all around us. Such chaotic events would probably occur at each and every moment . I would definitely not ever look forward to a day like this to come and I am positive that not a soul would look forward to a day like this as well.
Community is more important becouse you bond with other people you dont know but you will get to know them, and living individual means you really dont have people in your life that you talk too, in my opinion a person must have order in your life everybody deserves to have freedom but you also need to control yourself and what you are doing.
ReplyDeleteThe community is more important. Why is it important? Without a community you will be by yourself. I don't think anyone wants to be alone. For an example, if you want to have a get together with the people that you live with on your street, you can do that. If you're by yourself, you will be alone.
ReplyDeleteFreedom is more important. Why is it important? With freedom, you can stand up for what you believe in. For an example, Rosa Parks had stand up for herself on the bus and didn't let anyone who didn't believe in what she thought, change her mind.
the community is just as important as the individual because youi need individuals to make up a community.when you have enough individuals, get more to support your cause. at curtaint times, order is more important than freedom because withougth order, you will have chaos.
ReplyDeleteThe community is more important because a community is consisted of people. Which makes a whole instead on an individual surrounded by plenty more.Therefore making them a non factor when based upon by a whole.Order is more important than freedom when there is so much chaos that freedom is limited.
ReplyDeleteThe individual is much more important than the community. Individuals make up a community. Sometimes it takes a community to raise an individual. Once the individual see what is expected then that should be their goal.
ReplyDeleteOrder over powers freedom in so many ways, in my opinion. With out some type of order we would all be on lock down, the most important order is SELF-order . Everyone needs to worry about getting their selves together then freedom will be no problem with discipline.
The individual is more important then the community. The individuals make up the community. You can not have one strong individual and one weak individual and expect to have a successful community. The individuals must be on one accord to have a favorable community. Order is more important than freedom. If there is no order, there is no dicipline or guidliness. There is a time and a place for everything. Wherever you are you should act as you are expected. Freedom however, is important also, and you are free to act as however you choose, but all individuals should dicipline themselves to have order. Order, and the individuals are what make up the community.
ReplyDeleteI think that the community is more important. The people should think of the whole group instead of just one individual. This is also a good way to kepp the order and peace in a gruop. If every one had all the freedom,then every one would do as they please. Crime, violence, and other crimes might be comited so its better to have order to keep the people safe than give them too much freedom.
ReplyDeleteI think both are equally important, the individual is important because it is individuals that shape our community. An individual brings to the table many different qualities (good and bad) but it is through these actions that a community is born. I believe order is very important because it is through order that freedom is obtained. I think both concepts go hand in hand because they are important for each others existence.
ReplyDeleteThe people is more important because the community dont care about and so therefore you have tom take actions on your own behalf and worry about your self thats the best way to do so you make sure you can do whats write and atay out of trouble i can make my self a better person by believing my self
ReplyDeleteI think both are important because you need to be able to do stuff individual and not depend on anyone, but u also need a community so you could interact with other people. I think freedom is more important than order because you need to get free and enjoy stuff.
ReplyDeleteThey are both important because as you being a individual and you were struggling to get food in your house and evertime you get your pay check you have to pay your bills witch is important and you have to try to sign up for food stamps and the same goes for the community. Freedom is more important then order because I care about my freedom of speech, religion, likes or dislikes, and my choices how to live life.
ReplyDeleteThe individual is more important. If we work on every individual and make them right, then we can work together and make a community. The individuals make up the community.
ReplyDeleteFreedom is more important than order in my opinion. If you have freedom, than you can do whatever you want. If you dont have freedom than you have to take orders, and you do not want to do that. :(
The individual is more important beacuse the individual makes up the commuity. With out individuals we would'nt have a community. I think oreders is more important than freedom. Order is more important because if we did'nt have orders what would the world be like today. The world would be a mess if we did'nt have order. But, in some cases I think freedom is more important because at some point you will want to make your own decisions with out being ordered.
ReplyDeleteThe individual is more important beacuse the individual makes up the commuity. With out individuals we would'nt have a community. I think oreders is more important than freedom. Order is more important because if we did'nt have orders what would the world be like today. The world would be a mess if we did'nt have order. But, in some cases I think freedom is more important because at some point you will want to make your own decisions with out being ordered.
ReplyDeleteThe community, in my opinion, is more important. A community is comprised of a group of individuals working together to help each and every individual. Without the community, the individual will stand alone.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, freedom is slightly more important than freedom. Without order, then freedom can not be practiced. Looking at western days, there was no order so outlaws ran wild terrorizing people; those same people didn't have freedom until a sheriff stepped up and set order.
I think both are important becasue if we work as a community we can make everything work, but also the individual is important because a person should be able to do what they think but if that person shares their thoughts to a community it should be also able to tell what they think or help you if they disagree. Freedom and order are also important, because in order to get some freedom we need some order in our lifes, we can enjoy freedom with out order but it can bring prolems.
ReplyDeleteI can not decide from which one is more important individuals or the community because they both go hand and hand. The reason why I say that is because individuals are affected by the community good or bad, and a communities can also be affected by one individual. In saying that we should always stay true to ourselves and keep our morals intact. If we are in a good let's maintain positiveness of the community and don't let one bad apple spoil a prosperous community and as I stated before keep your morals intact. In saying that I do believe that one prosperous fruit can save a tree from being destroyed completely.
ReplyDeleteI believe in freedom but I also believe in rules and regulations. I believe that everyone should have freedom but be wise enough to know when to stop and when you are taking advantage of your freedom that's when the rules and regulations are established when you have taken advantage of your freedom,because what you do does not only affect you but everyone around you. So don't be selfish because you will pay the consequences of your actions.
I believe both the community and the individual, because it is important for an individual to not depend from someone else to stand out in life but also it is necessary to be part of a community where together as a community we can achieve more than if we do it by our self.
ReplyDeleteI believe order because we need to followed rules, for example I have the freedom to drive anywhere I went, but that doesn’t mean I can drive at 100 miles per hour in a street where the speed limit its 35 miles per hour, just because I have the freedom to drive,
I can not decide from which one is more important individuals or the community because they both go hand and hand. The reason why I say that is because individuals are affected by the community good or bad, and a communities can also be affected by one individual. In saying that we should always stay true to ourselves and keep our morals intact. If we are in a good let's maintain positiveness of the community and don't let one bad apple spoil a prosperous community and as I stated before keep your morals intact. In saying that I do believe that one prosperous fruit can save a tree from being destroyed completely.
ReplyDeleteI believe in freedom but I also believe in rules and regulations. I believe that everyone should have freedom but be wise enough to know when to stop and when you are taking advantage of your freedom that's when the rules and regulations are established when you have taken advantage of your freedom,because what you do does not only affect you but everyone around you. So don't be selfish because you will pay the consequences of your actions.
The individual is more important than the community because individuals make up the community.Without any individuals there would be no community and, if the individuals are happy then the community is happy.
ReplyDeleteFreedom is better than order because you get to do what you want but,it is also better to have a set of guidelines when you have freedom.
The community is more important than an individual. The community is more important because by the majority of votes u can elect people. Theres a more likely chance of the community being heard than just one single person.
ReplyDeleteFreedom is more important than order. When you have freedom you can do whatever u want. With freedom you can take your own actios. With order all people do is boss you around.
The individual is more important because individuals are the ones that make up the community in the first place. Without any indivisuals there would be no community.
ReplyDeleteOrder is much more important than freedom. If we have freedom but have no order we would all just be out of control. We need order in order to have self freedom.
Both are important because in a community we work together to achieve your goals. An individual is also important because you learn to work by your self without depending on someone. Order and freedom are both important because freedom you get to express yourself , I think everyone needs order so that we can have a positive life and also be organized.
ReplyDeleteThe community is more important. when people think of working as a community to work things out then the job gets done and it also brings the community together as one.
ReplyDeleteFreedom is more important. if we dont have freedom life would not be the way it is as of now. we had to fight to be able to be free and thats something alot of people wanted and now that we have it we should be glad that we are free because if not then the world would probably not be the way it is right now.
The community is more important because it is a lot of individuals put together to make a community. A community is more important because for example, when someone is running for a political reason they try to convince the community. They rather have a community pleased rather than an individual. That is why I think a community is more important because it is always put over an individual.
ReplyDeleteOrder is more important than freedom. Order is more important than freedom because without order there will be no type of discipline or rules to follow. If freedom was more important and there was no order it would be hectic and chaotic. While having order you still have the possibility of having freedom. Order is what keeps a community stable so therefore is more important.
Both are important because in a community we work together to achieve your goals. An individual is also important because you learn to work by your self without depending on someone. Order and freedom are both important because freedom you get to express yourself , I think everyone needs order so that we can have a positive life and also be organized.
ReplyDeleteA community is more important than an individual because an individual has the choice to be corrected and a community isnt dragged down by an individual.
ReplyDeleteOrder and freedom are both important but order shouldn´t be abused to interfere with a persons freedom. Order should be used at times to stabalize a community, because too much freedom leads to chaos.
Its better to be an individual so you can stand up in what you believe in. Not what others think of that situation. Its better to be your own person in just reality.
ReplyDeleteThere's not much that's better than freedom. Not living by what someone else's word than your own.
The individual is more important because without the individuals , there's no community. We all is together as one. Freedom is more important then orders. Everyone is equal and have the right to speak,think,or express a idea. Order is just telling someone to do something. Everyone have their own life and we all shall live it with FREEDOM .
ReplyDeleteThe community is more important why because it involves more people it will effect more than one person so I would think that the community is more important since it involves more than one person. I think order is more important because with order you can control people from doing crime but with to much order it can be bad because they can take your freedom an than it won't be okay.
ReplyDeleteThe individual is more important because individuals makes up the community.As a commuinty people can make a bigger change than just one individual.We got to have order to have freedom.Its a good thing to have order but freedom give you sense of liberation makes people who there and give people to express his/her self.
ReplyDeleteThe community and individual are both important. As a community we all work together when needed and as an individual we have more independence. If there wasn't any control things would be out of place and by having order you gain freedom.
ReplyDeleteThe individual is more important because a collective of strong individuals will become one strong community. The foundation is the individual. Without a good foundation, there is no community that can stand on its own.
ReplyDeleteFreedom requires order. If there isn't any order, sure there's freedom, but what kind of freedom is that? People will do their own thing and not care about the community. Order has to exist before freedom. There are rules to be follow in order to obtain freedom.
I think both are equally important. Freedom is important because you will always need your own space and be able to handle things individually and not depend on others. Basically do what you want to do. The community is important because at a certain point we all need someone. We all have to work together.
ReplyDeleteOrder is more important. If we didn't have order everything would be a disaster. We would have a lot of disagreements and fights.
Both are important because in a community we work together to achieve your goals. An individual is also important because you learn to work by your self without depending on someone. Order and freedom are both important because freedom you get to express yourself , I think everyone needs order so that we can have a positive life and also be organized.
ReplyDeleteThe community is more important because being together we think about eachother, than being individual. Being individual we just think about ourselves and no one else. For example the united states, if we were'nt united how would this country be united or worked, if we dont think about eachother, we wouldn't be successful.
ReplyDeleteOrder is more important because many people have different means of freedom. If we didnt have order we would have arguments and disagreements which usually lead to fights or war. With order you are able to resolve the situation you might be in.
The community is more important because when we work together is better and more effective.We can also help each other better than by itself.
ReplyDeleteFreedom is more important because without freedom you can not do almost anything you want to.
The community is more important then just an individual.People should look to help other people and influence each other in positive ways.A community is made up of lots of people that some choose to do good in the community and other to harm people.I believe that order is more important then freedom because if people don't follow the rules then they choose to disrespect laws and which then makes people commit wrong doings that makes authorities or law personal restrict their freedoms.
ReplyDeleteCommunity is more important than community because as an individual only one benefits from the outcome and as a whole everyone can work together to help reach the goal. Freedom is always the most important privilege in life and without it nothing else matters.
ReplyDeletePeople have different views as to whether a groups needs are more important than individual needs. I think that the community is more important because we are the ones that live in the community and we are the ones that can make things change in the community. Maybe there have been gang related activities in the community so the best thing would be to put aside your own needs so everyone can come up with an idea of how to make sure that your family, friends and community are safe before you bring up your own needs or issues. In my opinion I think community comes first.
ReplyDeleteI think that neither freedom or order is more important than the other. Although there are some cases where people abuse their freedom but other times they might not be free at all. An example of people abusing their freedom would be when people go around robbing peoples’ houses or stores, they don’t think much about freedom because all they know is they have their freedom and they do all the bad they want. On the other side however, there are many places in the world where there is too much order and no freedom. For example people in Cuba, Libya, etc. have very strict gov’t systems where the citizens must obey the gov’t at all times. For this question I say that freedom and order depend on each other. In order for the right amount of freedom to be given, you must have a fair deal of order.
A community is made up of individuals who play small roles. If an individual is so good at doing his thing, then his small role can make a big difference, therefore an individual is slightly more important than the community. Freedom and order have the same importance. A person has the right to be free but the person also has to have boundaries, order sets those boundaries. If a person doesn't have order in his or her life, then the freedom that the person has can harm the freedom of others, but if theres too much order in someones life, then freedom may be impossible for that person to enjoy, that's why i think freedom and order have the same importance.
ReplyDeleteThe community is made up of people living together and sharing the same thoughts. For this reason a community is more important because it holds more power than just one individual. When comparing order and freedom, order is more important because is created for people so that they can live better. If there is not order, people would start hating their freedom because the world would be a total chaos.
ReplyDeleteI think that the community is more important than Just a Individual because it would be better to work together than just one individual working by themselves.
ReplyDeleteYou May Not also know that individual but that would be just fine you will get to know them if you are nice and kind and also have a open heart towards that individual.
The individual is important than the community. Each individual need to improve on their action to form a community to help each others.Than orders is more important because we need orders to balance out everything. Without orders everything will be chaos.
ReplyDeleteThe individual is more important than the community because without the individual there wouldn't be a community. It's the individuals that make the community great it's not the community that makes each individual great. I also believe that freedom is better than order because when you just have order then there won't be any freedom, any liberty at all.
ReplyDeleteThe individual is more important. The community is made up of a variety of individuals, also indvidual rights are more important than the community as a whole. If you simply ignore the rights of the individual and concentrate on the community the community will end up falling apart. It is better to set rules/laws for the indviduals for them to follow as a community, only then can the community function properly.
ReplyDeleteFreedom is not more important than order and order is not more important than freedom. Both are needed equally, you can't have too much freedom and you can't have too much order. They must balance each other out. Too much order can take away freedom and too much freedom and cause chaos.
I believe that the individual is more important. It takes certain individuals to make up a nice,organized community. It is the choice of the individual to chose whether or not to be in that such community.Which leads me to say that order is more important than freedom because it puts everything and everyone in a status quo. That individual will have the power to choose and act as he/she pleases.However, it is expected for the individual to abide by the 'orders' and/or rules.
ReplyDeleteAn individual is more important than a community because as human we each have different priorities, you may not have the same priorities as a single mother of 3. Each individual has to look out for themselves and provide for their families.
ReplyDeleteOrder is a very important thing. We all have orders, rules, or restrictions; if we did not the world would be so messed up! Their would be crimes without punishment, so this would lead to people thinking that they can do anything without any sort of punishment.
Communities are more important than an individual, everyone has a different opinion, and the community as a whole might see the better choice than just one individual can make. Order and freedom cannot exist without each other. They are the fundamentals of a community with out order crime would be everywhere and people will be very unhappy and feel unsafe where they live. You can not have complete freedom nor complete order. There has to be a balance between the two, and somehow manage to control both at the same time fairly and equally. That is what we have done.
ReplyDeleteThe community is more important than one individual. The people should think as a whole instead of one person or one individual. I believe order is more important than freedom. Without order everything will just be complete chaos. However freedom is also very important and everyone should have it.
ReplyDeleteI would go with the community. Instead of the individual because Without the community the individual won't be able to be. The community is helpful if worked together.
ReplyDeleteThe most important for me between community or individual would be community. Community is better because most times the type of community that you are raised in influences the individual.Honestly, my opinion in if order is more important than freedom i would agree. I agree because if we did not have order then we would be a mess. We would not be in good conduct and everything would be out of order.
ReplyDeleteBoth a community and an individual are important. An individual is influenced by a community and a community is made up of a variety of individuals. A individual can't incluence a community as much as a community can influence one individual.
ReplyDeleteFreedom is more important, but you need order in every aspect. But without freedom people couldn't express who they really are, without order everyone would be all over the place.
The community is more important than one individual for the reason that different kind of opinions is better than just one. And the community can work together to reach all the goals that they might have. The community can also be important because it holds more power than just one person.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion ORDER is more important than FREEDOM because if they have freedom they would have their lifes disorganized, they would be killing people, doing drugs, and the world would be out of control. And if they get order from other people they would do the best thing for their life's and for themselves and their life's would be more organized.
The only one that can choose your path. Although outside forces give you paths to take, but you are the only one to choose which is right or wrong.