Wednesday, October 28, 2020

"Rain Music"

After reading the text "Rain Music," use your analytical eyes in order to construct a mini analysis of the text that analyzes what this text does as well as what it says.  First, choose a specific quote from the text (context of the text), then describe what that particular piece of text does (technique the author uses), and lastly explain why (purpose) the author used this particular technique (the so what?).  Dig deep in the text and look for those common things authors use in order to drive their point.  They might:
  • Repeat words or phrases
  • Use metaphors or similes
  • Use strong or descriptive language
  • Compare or contrast
  • Use sensory language
Sample analysis - Says/Does/Because
     In his speech, King says, "Bu one hundred years later the Negro still is not free.  One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination."  King uses repetition and metaphor to make his point.  King repeats the phrase "one hundred years" to emphasize howlong his community has been waiting for freedom.  He uses metaphors to compare modern discrimination with the pain of slavery. 

(The text can be found in the Google Classroom)  

Once you have crafted your analysis, click on the orange Comments link below, type out your analysis.  Make sure your analysis meets the requirements for FULL credit, click on the dropbox that says Comment As, go down to Name/URL, in the Name box type in your first initial, last name and class period (i.e. KEwing1C), leave the URL box blank, click on preview and proofread your analysis and then hit publish once you are ready to submit your analysis.  PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON YOUR RESPONSE (i.e. KEwing1C). You will receive a message indicating once your response has been approved it will be published so please do not look for your response immediately after you publish.  Please screenshot your response in case your computer freezes or there is a glitch in the system that requires you to resubmit.  Any questions or concerns send a message in Remind.


  1. In her text, Nguyen says "She has wide, almond-shaped eyes like black, pearl-black reflecting pools with brown-colored
    flecks swirling beneath the surface, light honey-color skin and even, velvet-smooth cheeks." She uses descriptive language to emphasize certain characteristics about her sister. Nguyen describes her sister using great detail to stress her perceived perfection. She then eventually reveals that while her sister may be seemingly perfect on the outside her way of thinking is far from perfect as she tries to devalue herself.

  2. In her text, Nguyen says "She is the red rose of the family and I am the green thorn." She uses metaphors to compare Nguyen and her sisters importance to the family. The metaphors show that she is less of an importance in the family and that her sister is perfect and the favorable and they expect great things from her. The quote suggests that it is her sisters world and Nguyen is just living in it.

  3. in this text Nguyen states "she is the red rose of the family and I am the green thorn. "Nguyen uses these metaphors to explain to the audience that her sister radiates perfection while she is the opposite. Although she also states "Linh hasn't told my parents about David" giving a secretive tone emphasizing that she is keeping something from her parents. Linh then implies that Linh is not always perfect and has flaws unlike her sister believes.

  4. In the text, Lin is described saying, “I was raging inside, screaming in my head, 'Why can't his fingers be brown like mine, be my brown? Why is his hair curly, not straight like mine?' I saw brown pigments run across my eyes, all different colored browns. Those pigments keep us apart." Lin is using repetition and imagery to describe her true feelings. She repeats the phrase “why, not…” to express her dilemma as to why she can’t be with David because of their different appearance. Also using imagery as a way to show/reveal her thoughts and emotions that she cannot express because of a physical boundary that is distancing her from him.

  5. In her text, Nguyen states "They always have a good time together, and he makes her laugh in many different ways whenever they happen to be," when talking about Linh and David's relationship. She says this as a way to compare how Linh speaks about David compared to Thanh, who she herself barely knows, yet he is the one that Linh is truly in love with, later stated in the story.

  6. In her text, Nguyen says "My mother and father have polished her until she shines." She uses a metaphor to emphasize that they like her sister more than they like her because of all of her accomplishments. Nguyen describes her sister in such a perfect matter that we can see that she thinks that her parents like her better than herself.

  7. In the reading, "Rain Music" Nguyen says, "His soft, curls rest against the white of the pillow, his closed eyelids and long lashes flutter minutely while he dreams, his evenness of his teeth as the cover of the grazes the dark honey of his skin." Nguyen uses descriptive language to establish the image and moment as she watched David's sleep. Nguyen describes David's appearance and his immaculate beauty as a person. Later on the reading Nguyen establishes a gloomy tone to demonstrate how Long cannot accept David as her partner due to the fact that they have different traditions in their families.
